Universal PVC fence (connector system)
Quality products for appropriate horse keeping!
Fence post 12 x 10 cm
Fence board 10,5 x 3,4 cm
- Posts and boards made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride (hard PVC)
in plastic window quality.
- Quality products from our own development and production
- White (other colors upon request)
- extremely solid
- light-resisting
- UV-resistant
- groundwater compatible
- weather resistant
- recyclable
- 30 year warranty on resistance to rot
- can be used universally
- existing boards or piles can be combined with our products
EQUITANA - The large demonstration ring -
Fence height 1,50 m
Cross bar: 3 x fence board
1 x Electric cord
Fence height 1,40 m
Cross bar: 2 x fence board
Fence height 1,40 m
Cross bar: 2 x fence board
1 x Electric cord
Fence height 1,30 m
Cross bar: 2 x fence board
Fence height 0,80 m
Cross bar: 1 x Fence post
Fence height 1,50 m
Cross bar: 3 x fence board
Fence height 1,50 m
Cross bar: 3 x fence board
Fence height 1,40 m
Cross bar: 2 x fence board
2 x Electric cord
Fence height 1,40 m
Cross bar: 2 x fence board
Proof for enormous stability!